Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Its been too long 9/09/2009

Happy 999!

I haven't been blogging at all... I'm just not that type that will blogging about my life, so now I'm giving this a second chance.

There hasn't been any much luck in job searching, I am getting more desperate... I want to be able to sit in the office not to think too much... I am afraid that I may fall into depression.

Last week, we discovered a new restaurant Rococo at St. Kilda on Acland Street. We went back twice for breakfast, the food may be average for you but I love their pancakes with caramel sauce, banana, mascarpone and pecans. Yummilicious! I guess you can make it at home easily... There goes few pounds added to my weight... Very nice layout of the restaurant with the fireplace in the middle to keep you warm. Price was above average. We found affordable compare to the other restaurants along that street.

Yesterday while bathing the lil one, she kept on mentioning her friends name at childcare. She can explain what she wants and occasionally talks in full sentence. I'm glad we are still sending her to childcare, she's learning a lot. She can point and count tho sometimes she overcount. She can sing ABCs and a lot of other nursery songs...

Time flies, I haven't been doing much today... I gotta start making dinner.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Evelyn, mommy is exhausted today from shopping for your birthday cake and bought some necessity items for you.. also a lil present of In The Night Garden slip book and and also a brand new Zach! So you'll get to bring your true love Zach to childcare and one in beddy :)

Today's your first day on public transport, you looked so curious in the tram and repeated after me "ting ting"....

Your godmother Kannika bought you a lovely dress which you get to wear this Saturday cake party :D. I enjoyed spending time with your godmother and we had a lovely dinner at Cafe Italia also surprisingly a priest had a surprised birthday party there too. Mommy can't believe you hold Kannika and Andrew's hand and walked all the way to the car... You refused to hold our hand even more than 5 secs!

I wish you again, Happy Birthday my dearest and hope your Terrible Twos will be over soon. Mommy & Daddy loves you with all our hearts!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How do you do

Its freezing 17 degrees in the lounge room because I'm wearing short sleeved t... heaps to do to today but I am still sitting here creating this boring blog. What is there to write? Plenty but how often will I hit the backspace? This is the place I'm going to blog a journey to raise a child, find a job/money and keep my relationship peaceful.. and every crap I have in my head..

These are the repeated news I've been hearing

  • Swine flu - Crying wolf? I hope so...
  • Plastic bags - So the so called reusable bags are more environmental friendly? So we have to spit up more money to buy garbage plastic bags then?
  • Snuggies - Crap
Morning tv sucks...